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Will You Be Exercising Your Franchise Today?

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sandyRoe | 06:25 Thu 05th May 2016 | ChatterBank
46 Answers
Now's the chance to show the politicians what you think of them.
In the local assembly elections I'll be voting for Clair Bailey of The Greens.


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I really don't think Police and Crime Commissioner should be a political position, but we only have the Conservative, Labour and UKIP candidate. I would prefer an independent. The Conservative is certain to get in, this is one of the safest Conservative seats in the UK. They would vote a 3 toe sloth in if it had a Conservative badge on!

We had an Ind't here for PCC, he got our votes.
once I had exercised my franchise as SR puts it
I told the teller / clerk/ operative .....

'you do realise the first candidate's name is mis-spelt dont you ? '

being a civil servant I wont say pandemonium ensued
it was a bit like a sleeping dog when a small child trips over it
Already for the walk, both of us. :)
^^^ 'been for a walk to the Polling station'..............grrrrrrr I hate this keyboard!
Further to all that. Only 1 candidate out of the 3 standing for councillor bothered to put a leaflet through our door. So he got our vote; guess who - UKIP - delivered by a lady trudging around.

The police commissioner vote - I wrote that I could vote for none of them because I know nothing about any of them. No contact from them at all.

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