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jennyjoan | 17:58 Thu 05th May 2016 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Tried to open a large bottle of bleach - you know when you have to push two sides down - didn't have the strength.

Googled gadgets and some seem to be good but I would need one for pressing two sides down. Any help appreciated. Ta


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A pair of channel-locks would suffice, jennyjoan; however, that little gadget mentioned by RATTER15 is much more versatile.
Old fashioned nut crackers will do it, jennyjoan.
Just a thought, Conne:

I had great trouble opening a bottle of bleach some time ago. I squeezed the two sides in and tried to turn the top but it wouldn't budge. I squeezed even harder, tried again and still got the same result. After several minutes I gave up and opened a different bottle of bleach instead. When that one was empty I tried again with the first bottle and still couldn't open it. Eventually, though, I discovered that I'd been squeezing the top TOO hard all along. By giving it just the GENTLEST of squeezes I got the top to turn easily!

So perhaps you're experiencing a similar problem? (i.e. instead of looking for something to squeeze it harder, try being gentler with it instead!).

Large nuts hc?
Good point, Chris; I never thought of that.
JJ are you sure you have to push the sides down?

Some bottles just need to squeeze the cap and turn
A simple nut cracker has a sticky out bit immediately beneath the ridged bit where you put the nut.

Use the sticky out bit on each side to squeeze the cap and turn.
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You know what I done - since top was "hard" - I softened the top with boiling water - it opened like a wee gem. God I am so entreprenural.

Might advertise this method on Amazon LOL
We'll all be able to recognise Conne in the street now.

She's the one with injuries from scalding water on one of her hands and with bleach burns on the other ;-)
Plus a pair of channel-locks in one back pocket of her jeans, and a nut-cracker lodged in the other pocket.
This is a valid point, though. It is possible to buy OTC medicines in easy open packaging but household cleaners can be impossible for those with painful hands or little strength in their hands, fingers and wrists.
Of course this makes it tempting to either decant bleach in to other bottles or leave the tops off all together - both potentially hazardous.

Little things are big problems for some.
I'm with Chris on this one. I was using too much pressure. Still ask OH for help occasionally though,'s good for his ego ;)

x x

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