My friend is getting large bills for her mobile phone usage. She is with EE. Her bills says "10GB data unlimited mins and texts", but what does that actually mean in terms of free texts and phone calls? Sorry if the question is a bit vague - I'm not very technical - but I suspect she's using far more than her free allowance.
OG, //I'm still unclear whether this monthly expense is above that agreed in the contract as the regular payment. //
I'm having trouble finding out how much her monthly contract is - she doesn't understand technology, she's a little unstable, quite fiery and is manic depressive so often difficult to deal with - but I'm pretty sure it's less than the £80 a month or more she's paying.
I would hope it is a lot less than £80! Even £20 would sound high. maybe you can help her find a better contract at renewal. Good luck. Sometimes it's hard to help people.
You'll need to see if the tariff is sim-only or whether it includes the 'phone. If she has a fancy 'phone and didn't pay the full price for it, the monthly costs can be bumped up a fair bit.
It depends on the contract. I'm with EE my calls to landlines from my mobile have been part of my allowance with the exception of the 08 number I called recently (and I pay £10 a month )
Why on earth has she got such a huge data allowance? That's going to be expensive before she switches her phone on.
To those who decry the cost of mobile phones - my phone is on 24/7 and I use it a lot. I have 1GB data allowance and the sim card costs me £7.50 a month with free calls to landlines. Hardly expensive.
Naomi, we can all speculate but she can either check her bill online or phone them up and ask.
I'd give more credence to Sunny-Dave's posts, Naomi.......he's on a similar package with EE and sorted me out instantly when I was having mobile phone problems.
I just had a look at the wordfeud app. it send push notifications and you can play in up to 30 games at that’s a lot of push notifications! It won’t be just one a day, you will get told every time an opponent makes a move!