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Speaking Properly

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Slogger | 09:08 Sun 29th May 2016 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
Not a lot makes me cringe but, when mentioning the year, so many people, including those in high offoce and those in the media, will say TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN, when the easyand proper way to say it is TWENTY SIXTEEN. When asked my year of birth I don't say ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND THIRTY EIGHT - I say NINETEEN THIRTY EIGHT. Am I alone in this or does it annoy anyone else???


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And going off on a slight tangent, how about "hoovering" when quite often the vacuuming is being performed by a machine which is not a Hoover?
.......Hoovering sucks!
Footy,instead of Football grates on me,and why are Photos now "Images",last but not least what is the latest jargon "a good fit"all about?
In Spain we say Dos mil diez y seis. Two thousand Sixteen. If you are interested. But when we speak English we say twenty sixteen. In Japanese, again if you are interested they say ni sen juroku, two thousand and sixteen.

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