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How Does It Know It's A Bank Holiday?

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Baldric | 10:13 Mon 30th May 2016 | ChatterBank
56 Answers

We've had a great weekend weatherwise, it's been sunny, light breeze, blue sky, it's been really nice.
This morning it's grey, overcast, blowing a gale (well almost ;o) and bloody cold.
Took the hound down the Country park earlier, it was freezing and the three of us didn't spot another person.

How's your Bank Holiday?


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Horrible day here in thesouth east,overcast,cold, no sign of any sunshine all day and very windy. Was hoping to do a boot sale today but it got cancelled because of the weather.
Would you like to rephrase that Baldric? ;))
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No, quite happy with first attempt Captain.
Started with haar, which came in yesterday evening, but it had cleared by mid-morning and it's been a beautiful, if breezy, day.
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Thought you were up in Essex, The East of England Georgiesmum?
In London, sitting here in thick jumper as chilly to say the least. I am trying to hold off putting the heat on.
Baldric, a crutch is a rod in many, not all, pendulum regulated clocks which can be bent in order to get the clock in beat. I must admit, I've never come across one with central heating.
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By the way, it's 29 and sunny, so I think I'll go out to celebrate your Bank Holiday...Cheers.
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Have a good one Stuey
Originally the Bank Holiday was a moveable one called Whit Monday, the date of which would vary according to when Easter fell. This was fixed as the last Monday in May at the end of the 60s so the name had to be changed.
And you take care and have a good recovery, Baldric.
The last 2 days up here in N. Wales have been scorchio, and cloudless, with not a breath of wind. Same tomorrow please. Love it. I have had to water the tubs, pots, and veg patch twice today. Did it all first thing and again about half an hour ago. 24c on the back patio this afternoon, that is 75 old money. Phew.
i wonder why there is so much variation in the temperatures in such a small island. Something to do with the Gulf Stream?
Bit complicated Stuey but its all to do with air masses and what makes them move the way they do. Britain is a meeting place for Polar, Tropical and Maritime and Continental air masses. One other is the Arctic air mass which you enjoy in a Canadian winter. The real fun begins when two different air masses meet and a front is formed. A Norwegian called Bjerknes thought the theory of air masses up and the theory has been modified by later meteorologists.

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