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mikey4444 | 17:23 Mon 30th May 2016 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Anybody seen Sqad on here, in the last few days ?


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Yepp! I have.
He's missing U.
Question Author
There you are !

What is the temperature with you today ? I have some friends that are in Majorca, and they are trying to buy a small fan to use in their 1 star Hotel bedroom !

I told then before they went, but would they listen ?
Sqads temperature today is around 98.6F, or 37C.
I am in Menorca and although there is intermittent cloud, the sun is really hot. it is about 21Deg C.
Majorca may be hotter.
I have just had my evening swim, showered, put on my dressing gown, poured myself a malt and have recorded Von Staffenburg's attempt to assassinate Hitler.
Question Author
Sqad....this might interest you :::

The village that was used for this 1943 propaganda film, Cwmgiedd, is just up the road from where I live.

"The film was designed as a tribute to the mining community of Lidice, Czechoslovakia, which had been the scene of an appalling Nazi atrocity on 10 June 1942 when its entire adult male population (173 men and boys over 16) was executed and all 300 women and children sent to Nazi concentration camps, which few would ultimately survive"

They all paid a terrible price for the attempt to assassinate Reinhard Heydrich.

Cwmgiedd is a pretty little place, although there is now no mining left in the area.
Thanks mikey......I will follow that up.
>I am in Menorca and although there is intermittent cloud, the sun is really hot. It is about 21Deg C.

The same as here then at 4pm. Now fallen to 19 degrees. Not bad for a May evening.

Decided what to do about your loan charge, sqad?

I think i will "play it cool" and ask the person involved if he has any suggestions. I will probably just ask for half.....being a "soft touch,"
Question Author is the link to "The Silent Village". It is a product of its time but I found it very moving .......
Much appreciated mikey.
glad you are on the mend Squad, enjoy your whisk/ey, what are you having, im having a jamesons tonight.

if you like things about the second world war this is interesting, my parents lived in France for 23 years and not far from this place, its quite a haunting place.

Good call, Sqad and Mrs Sqad will get good discount.
Thanks webbo.
Glenfiddich 12 year old.......not my favourite, but that is all i can afford being an OAP.
Glenfiddich is nice Squad, i normally go for a single Islay malt as I like the peaty and smokey whiskys, when I can afford it.

// They all paid a terrible price for the attempt to assassinate Reinhard Heydrich. //

no I think they succeeded ... Heydrich had the horse hair stuffing from the seats blown into him and the Czech doctors were not allowed to operate and the imported German doctors hesitated ( = didnt ) do an adequate debridement of the wound - result Heydrick predictably dies from overwhelming sepsis at 10 d. One of the assassins ( unaccountably ) gave him self up to the SS sealing Lidice's fate.

oradour sur glanes - they (english) were by that time taping captured officers' conversations and one said ' we found out we had got the wrong village and had to do the whole thing over again a few weeks later ....'

not sure which village
hey sqad - you might need the assistance of these gentlemen .

Apparently they have got a branch in Menorca

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