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Posting Links To The B B C Iplayer Here On Ab

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mikey4444 | 07:13 Fri 03rd Jun 2016 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
I have been trying to post a BBC Iplayer link on another thread, but it isn't working.

Is there a special technique to do this on AB please ?


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When you open the iPlayer page, beneath the programme box to the right are some options. Click "Share This Link" - that will open a small pop-up box with "Copy this link" - C & P that link here & it should work. This is the "Mock the Week" from the 1st page of this thread -
10:27 Fri 03rd Jun 2016

Select it on A -Z and you can play it

assuming Mock the week, 13, 9
When you open the iPlayer page, beneath the programme box to the right are some options. Click "Share This Link" - that will open a small pop-up box with "Copy this link" - C & P that link here & it should work.

This is the "Mock the Week" from the 1st page of this thread -
Testing Testing
My link works used same method as Lie-in-King
@Baldric...Perhaps you'll agree with me that it becomes a real faff if you post and tell an ABer to click open the A-Z link, and then type in a search box 'Mock the Week Series 13: Episode 9' ; because the A-Z is listing Episode 9.


No I don't agree Hans, if you click A-Z, select Mock the week from the list, NO typing anything in, it's takes you straight to the Series 13 Episode 9 that was being searched for on previous page.
hmm - you could be right hans - the old links dont work either.

see this thread from last month - I assume it worked then.
@Baldric...Sorry, my error. I said " then type in a search box 'Mock the Week Series 13: Episode 9' ; because the A-Z is listing Episode 9."

What I intended to say was " then type in a search box 'Mock the Week Series 13: Episode 8' ; because the A-Z is listing Episode 9".

Anyway Quoi has discovered something interesting ^^^ and appears to confirm my thought that AB is the 'problem child' in this matter.


From previous page @ 11:12

Media URL:

Hans, post on previous page @ 11:12 does kind of suggest it was Episode 9 that was required
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Lie in King....not only are you a bloody genius when it comes crossword clues, you now appear to be my favourite Tech here on AB !

( Hans....your crown has slipped to second place ! )
News to me. I always associate 'share' with those awful, ubiquitous, almost compulsory social site things like Twitter and Facebook. Not for posting on normal sites or e-mailing folk.

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Posting Links To The B B C Iplayer Here On Ab

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