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I Know I Am Getting Old......

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bobbie22 | 20:35 Tue 07th Jun 2016 | Film, Media & TV
20 Answers
Does anyone remember whirligig? A children's programme from the 50s? The presenter was Humphrey Lestoq, and there was a Mr turnip(I think) in it


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I remember one called Whirlybirds, which was an American/Canadian series about helicopter pilots.

Maybe, possibly, not really though.
That's a blast from the past! I remember the name Humphrey Lestoq, but can't remember any details of the programme. I would have been about 13. We had our first TV in 1953 for the coronation as did so many people.
I remember Muffin the Mule more clearly, that was on Sunday teatime I think. Also Andy Pandy, I could go on......
We didn't get our first TV till late 1956 so the series may have ended by then. I don't remember it at all but remember all the others of that era.
Yes, I think it ended in 1956 so at 1 year old no memories for me. Earliest childrens TV memory for me would probably be Torchy.
From the same website that O_G has linked to, but perhaps providing rather more detail:

I don't remember it though. Although I was born in 1953, we didn't get a telly until I was about 7 or 8 (I think).
My earliest memory is of Watch With Mother, watched on neighbours' sets, c. 1954.
I remember it and always thought it was Peter Butterworth , hosting it and can remember him trying to boil a kettle holding it over a candle ? Or maybe not.
I remember it well!
No Whirligig here but there is 9 minutes of Jennifer Gay, Watch With Mother, Muffin The Mule, etc
Too young to remember the programme (same age as Buenchio) but from webbo3's link I did notice that under 'contributors' there was:

Pianist (Hank Rides Again): Steve Race.

Now I do remember Steve Race from 'My Music', but didn't think he went that far back. Used to enjoy that programme with the silent keyboard round.
Face the Music was one of my favourite programmes. So clever, and such lovely people on it.
I do bobbie - Humphrey was quite a gaunt looking man - not like the jolly children's presenters of today's tv
I remember Whirligig and Mr Turnip! I don't remember Humphrey Lestoq being gaunt, quite the opposite.
^^^ See my link above for a photo of Humphrey Lestocq, GG and Carole.
I'm thinking of Huw Weldon - 'All your own' but I do remember Whirlygig

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