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Energy Drinks

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breadstick | 11:05 Fri 10th Jun 2016 | ChatterBank
11 Answers

Lately i have been taking energy drinks as i feel really drained almost all of the time and they really do perk me up, they always have the effect of curing my headaches for whatever reason

are they really bad for you as i have read conflicting reports but id prefer drinking them to feeling drained and have headaches all the time


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What does the doctor say about how you feel?
Maybe the headaches are caused by an addiction to the energy drinks
dehydration can cause headaches, I wouldn't touch an energy drink with a bargepole personally..
all engery drinks contain caffeine thats what perks you up, coffee is cheaper
Coffee is cheaper and safer.

People have died drinking these drinks. One woman had the liver of an alcoholic and another had heart attacks...

If you're suffering with headaches try drinking more water and getting some fresh air.

I agree with the post of sounds as though you may be dehydrated. Replace the "energy drinks" with water.
I drink quite a lot of energy drinks, always have done. I feel fine!
I don't see the appeal of energy drinks. Energy = Calories and I spend most of my food/drink attention to minimising those.
Mind you, I hasten to add, I don't drink them while I'm pregnant !
Replace them with drinking plenty of ordinary water, you will feel so much better for it especially in the warm weather.
I agree with some of the others, I think you're caught in a vicious drink/headache/energy drink to cure headache caused by energy drink/headache.
I would advise you to replace them with plain water, or sparkling water. You can get 2 litre bottle for under 20p if you buy supermarket's own brand.

xx x

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