I have the worst cough ever. It's like a constant tickle which I have to cough to 'scratch', but the coughing is so violent and horrendous that it makes me nearly throw up. I've had it for days alongside a cold/headache and bladder infection. Has anyone else had this recently, what did you take for it and how long did it last? It was so embarrassing at work yesterday being stared at every time
I coughed. It's also not very productive so I feel like I'm just dry coughing and achieving nothing.
It may be whooping cough Scarlett, it's more common amongst adults than people realise. If it is, it just has to be lived through although a GP visit may be worth while as you may be prescribed antibiotics.
Whooping cough is a consideration.
Nothing much can be done for the cough, but if the mucous develops or you start to vomit after coughing , then see your GP.
I've got the tickle dry cough along with a bad throat. On Penicillin but it's doing nothing. I suck BronchoStop Pastilles or Jakemans cough & Throat sweets.
Had this for a couple of months, doc gave me antibiotics and cleared up at last. You think it will never go but it does. Try Covonia throat spray. Must be the spray. When you get the tickle starting.