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A Good Day

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Luv_The_Doc | 16:09 Sat 11th Jun 2016 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
Mrs B and I just got back from a nose about in East Kent, Margate, Ramsgate Deal and Sandwich which was a nightmare, little narrow streets packed with tourists as there was a 'French Market' in town for the weekend. Folks wandering down the middle of the road looking at you like you had no business being there with a car, think they would have moved a bit quicker if they had known I used to drive in Mumbai ;-)
B. has been busy and cut all the grass, we were going to do it tomorrow, but he said he was bored and got on with it. Roger's worn out as he's been chasing the mower. now it's wine o'clock, and no more driving for the day.
Hope yours has been good too.


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Good job it's not a sit on mower. Baldric would have fallen off, and his hair is only just growing back. By the way Luv-a-Duc Baldric shortened you to Ltd earlier, you do know that that is short for limited don't you?
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Seadogg, we get that now where Baldric lives, Hernia Bay & Whitstable during 'Pile Season'
Haha missed that from shoota hope you are all good. Apart from "piles" being in season.
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I blame Baldric for 'Pile Season' Togo, he told me
"They arrive in bunches"
"They turn red"
"They're a pain in the ***"
You tell Baldric that makes them sound like they are the size of a bus. (^_*)
Ltd, I am that size but I am not too sure if that is my colour of bikini. ;-)
Sounds like you had a good day, good to see Baldric seems to be improving.
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Just a random stock picture wolf, hope I haven't offended you.
Ltd, Us Scots are thick skinned and have an odd sense of humour.

Roger seems to have settled in. He just needs a tiny kitten to boss him around.
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Thanks marval, got my doubts about the plaster on his foot lasting the distance though, but he's doing ok.

Wolf, Roger has his paws firmly under the table, don't think he'd be too chuffed with a kitten/cat tbf.

Right, off to celebrate World Gin Day, goodnight all.
Goodnight, enjoy your Gin.
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Ouch! World Gin Day has a lot to answer for, I got up early to sort dog out then went back to bed for a couple of hours. We're all up and about now albeit quietly. No plans for the day we'll just see what happens.
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Just back from the Park at Reculver, had a bit of rain earlier so nice and fresh, left Baldric behind this time because the cast on his foot looks ready to break up, will take him in tomorrow to get it sorted, if he's lucky.
Think it's feet up time for a while now, it's a bit dull so not worth being outside.
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Mikey, sorry can't do links on my phone, Roger is Baldrics avatar atm.
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Oops wrong post again1

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