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My Luck May Be In Tomorrow.....

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gness | 21:03 Fri 24th Jun 2016 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
.....a group of walkers are setting off from Dublin at midnight and landing up here.....thirty miles away......sometime tomorrow....

I could just have some sore feet to massage.......well depending on what's attached to the feet..... ;-)


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Oh yes, some good Guinness money to made there with the foot massages, gness ( watch out for the blisters though ).
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Oh I'll just send for Wolf to pop any blisters, Tony....x
Pin or needle, gness ?.
S-D will be first in the queue, hi Gness x
(i) offer them Murphy's at a 200 percent premium

(ii) offer the 1st class ones a wee Tullamore Dew for a 300% mark-up.

(iii) fly Tony in to do the massages and offer him a supply Harps.

(iv) make sure you have a fresh barrel of the mother's milk.

(v) could you pick up a wee bottle of Connemara Peated Single Malt for me, please.
>>> sometime tomorrow

Can we assume that the precise time of arrival is dependent upon the number of pubs along the route?
At least half an hour in each pub, Chris.

fly Tony in to do the massages and offer him a supply Harps.

Harps !, how very dare you, DT ( might be persuaded with Carling though ).
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Well I think Wolfie would be more hands on, Tony..... think Dave would let me near his must be joking!

I will if I see it, DT....not much on offer up in these mountains.....not a shop for miles......though there is a pub....

Chris....hadn't considered that......may be here on Sunday waiting for them.......... :-(
could be Davenport's?

could be Davenport's?

Saw one of their van's yesterday, first one I've seen for many a year.
Well I think Wolfie would be more hands on, Tony.....

AHHHHGGGGGGG, you don't mean bursting them with finger nails do you !!
teeth, I would suggest.......

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My Luck May Be In Tomorrow.....

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