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Pies For Freezing

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horseshoes | 16:53 Sun 26th Jun 2016 | Food & Drink
18 Answers
If I were to make some plate pies for freezing. Do I cook them BEFORE freezing, or do I freeze them just with the filling cooked and the pastry uncooked. I'd like to make a couple each of chicken and leek, minced beef and onion and some steak and ale.

Thank you.


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I personally would party bake then freeze
But I should have said you can fully bake but take out a few minutes early so they don't go too brown when you rebake
I cook my filling, let it go cold, assemble the pie then freeze.
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So you both do it differently! Now I'm just as puzzled as before;-)
Personal choice really.
I suppose you have to consider which day you need to save the time, the prep day or the day of serving the pie.

I always let mine fully thaw then glaze and bake on the serving day.
I partly bake to stop the gravy soaking into the pastry
ah, I drain most of the gravy off, add the cold filling and serve extra gravy separate to avoid soggy bottoms ;-)
There's nothing worse than a soggy bottom
Speak for yourself hee hee.
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Oh it would HAVE to have plenty of gravy in it. I'm married to a gravy addict!
I serve mine with a huge jug of gravy saved from the day of making.
Wish I hadn't looked at this thread
You can be quiet too!
Hey I like pies ya know.
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Ha ha
Mamyalynne is right. Make the filling first and let it cool. Don't make it very wet with gravy. Make the pastry base and cook it off and leave to cool. Put the cold filling on the cooled cooked pastry base, put the uncooked lid on, chill then freeze. Bake it off from frozen. Serve gravy separate.

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