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Candis June Issue

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poppy12345 | 19:33 Sun 26th Jun 2016 | Crosswords
17 Answers
cryptic crossword 3a contemptible cheat going back with debts(6) 7a wonderful, wonderful birthday's beginning (6) 9a gold piece for Al going round(7) 10a get hot going round deprived area(6) 11a Capital EEE, say(7)
6d rescuing about fifty by applying ointment(7) 19a very tight pub in outer space (6) 20a pair with one herb around book-mark(7)
21a surely what solvers do when going to the dogs (3,3)
many thanks to anyone who can help


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3a Od-ious (cheat = DO reversed)
3a contemptible cheat going back with debts(6)
7a wonderful, wonderful birthday's beginning (6)
9a gold piece for Al going round(7)
10a get hot going round deprived area(6)
11a Capital EEE, say(7)
6d rescuing about fifty by applying ointment(7)
19a very tight pub in outer space (6)
20a pair with one herb around book-mark(7)
21a surely what solvers do when going to the dogs (3,3)
6d SaLving
1 odious
6 Sa-l-ving
7 superb
10 ghetto
11. Tripoli
9 or-bit-al
Have we got any letters now for 19a, 20a or 21a?
21a You bet (surely)
20 I m pr int
19 Sk inn y
19. sk inn y
Thank you your Ladyship; I can go to bed in peace now - 5.30 up tomorrow. Have a good night.
Me, Captain? ;o)
Yes Jo. A term of endearment. :))
.... I'm a lady ;o)))

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Candis June Issue

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