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Bliss This Evening......

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gness | 17:12 Sun 03rd Jul 2016 | ChatterBank
60 Answers feet up on the patio with a glass of chilled white wondering if Tilly is soaking in a Radox bath.....

I know you'll have done it........and hope all went well, Tilly.....Gx


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I hope you had a great time Grimaldi and, yes, it's very green
or the Irish drink would wash it off, ael.....
Mr T is going to apply for an Irish passport. We are looking at places in Cork, Kerry and Galway. Bring on the black stuff.
which one, Tilly, as the Corkites will fight over the Dublinites over that.....
I would go W and NW of Limerick, I think, though gness's Ring of Kerry is nice - and sufficiently artistic and mad.
Tell him to check the size of photograph, Tilly, as they are fussy about the size. Ours were OK as the chemist we used knew of the different sizes.
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You're hair's looking lovely, Tilly.....x

Grimaldi....just back from Wicklow myself.......was in Ireland for three weeks so I got a bit of a tan.....and a bit damp around the edges on the soft days.
I feel less different too....always many redheads. I loved having red hair...though it is changing a bit now.....
The best Guinness is to be had in Ireland......and the very best pint is in Roscommmon.......the chap told me the secret of pulling the best pint of G..x
It's rare for someone to pass without making some form of greeting, so you feel welcome.
Great food everywhere, if occasionally rather pricey - I could live on the seafood chowder, and of course Guinness.
Over the years I've covered most of the island (although this trip was my first so far north). The biggest drawback is the distance between towns of any size.
I'd maybe add Sligo to Tilly's list.
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All my lot are applying for Irish passports now too, Tilly......and if you muck up the application Kevin in the Irish office is a dream to deal with.....but yes, be careful with the photo...x
Had a couple of pints of Guinness earlier ( to wash down my 20 oz steak ), drinking one of these now though.
Gness .... And the secret is????
I was recently told the best way to pour Guinness from a can: tip straight into a pint glass (don't pour against the sides), and make sure to allow the last few drops out. Seems to work.
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Grimaldi.....I have felt that more so after this visit.......I'm greeting folk here and getting nothing back.....
Ireland is fantastically friendly....the food is, as you say, great....chowder in Kenmare is wonderful...... and the countryside and towns and villages so clean.....well except for Rathdrum.. don't know quite what went wrong there.....

Must admit I am toying with the idea of maybe going back....I have family and the greatest of friends here in England.....but the way of life in Ireland is tempting......if expensive.....x
Guinness from a can, Grim!


Yes, Psybbo. If your gonna have a steak have a bigun.
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20 oz steak!....Honestly!....☺

Grimaldi.....there were five of us and all agreed this was the best pint of Guinness we'd had......and we tested many.....
We asked the hotelier and he said it was simply in the washing of his glasses......he washes all the glasses G is served in separately and in ....either a special way or special machine....will have to ask the others.....I was supping more than listening.....
Don't know if that's all there is to it but whatever he did he got it right.... Gleeson's Hotel in Roscommon if you're that way.....x
Tony must be a big boy
Goodnight, thanks for the fun, pleasant relief xx

Tony must be a big boy

Nooooo, Psybbo. Hav'nt had any tea ( didn't feel like it for some reason ) !

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