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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:52 Fri 08th Jul 2016 | ChatterBank
119 Answers
Friday. Heavy overcast this morning, lots of the wet stuff to come we are told. Not very warm either. Oh well, I'll have to stay in and watch wumblybum won't I!

Tiggy is in bed, he didn't go far at all.

Have a happy day everyone.


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'morning all, another lay-in, good one. It's bright and a little breezy here atm, nice. LtD's out with Dog, I'm in with coffee, all good stuff.
Hope everyone is well.
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in a whisper So that's what's happened!
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Morning balders. Still getting tortured by doc? :o}
morning Balders xx should you not be tied to the dog and oot ?? physio..etc ??

Hi wbm, yep, luvving every minute of it, she does seem to know how to get the best out of me.

MM, can't walk that far atm, proper physio starts next week,you probably hear the groans from there.
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I thought you might be balders! ;o} Make the most of it while it lasts mate.
big marine snivelling now !!
Good morning all, just in, breakfast on table, coffee poured, what more could a girl want, Mrs B has trained him well :-)
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Morning doc. xxx He's a good lad, so he is. Not quite so good on ladders though! :o}
morning doc xx ...creep....!! wee creep !
Murray, he has a grin from ear to ear at that and just said "Well if it works, why not?" I may have to look up that one.
get him on jankers !!
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The wee tinker isn't daft doc! ;o}
can hear get mum's coffee on..see you later xx..and Balders....BEHAVE !!! lol xx

Oi!, begger off, Jankers is for Military Crime, there was nothing regimented about it, (whatever it was!!!;o)
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Have a happy day minty xxxxx

I must be away too.

balders, ignore minty, have fun mate. ;o}
I heard that !! lol
Have a great day, guys xx
I'm going for my 'me' time before I go to work, I'll leave sorting him out until I get back later, got to have something to look forward to.
Have a great day all.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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