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Today's Top Tip

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gness | 17:48 Mon 11th Jul 2016 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
If, like me, you are shortish don't stand behind the display of tall plants in the garden centre when the chap decided to water them.

You will gasp when the cold water hits you.....he will jerk the hose away and soak the lady standing at the next display too...

Two birds with one spray, I guess.....

Off to plant up now and hope someone comes to cook me dinner.......x


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Why didn't you ask that nice man to buy you dinner , to make up for his inability to see behind tall plants ?
Gness, I think it's quite appropriate to have a bird bath in a garden center.
Question Author
Slow thinking wasn't I, Baz......cold water on my brain I suppose....x

Bath maybe, Stuey......but a cold shower?...x
Gness, I think it's quite appropriate to hold a wet t-shirt contest in a garden center.
I bet that woke you up! Were you daydreaming, again?
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Okay.....I'll suggest it and let you know what Gary says.......the ice skating goes down well in the winter.....x
Question Author
Hi, Tilly.....probably....or wondering how much more lawn I can take up to plant some of the lovely shrubs on sale......devil when the garden is finished....
Mind you the slugs and snail are bad this year....I have lacy I am putting salt on double sided tape and taping the pots......x
Lacy petunias are not a good look, Gness. I hope the salt trick works. That's a good idea, using double sided tape.

That's two tips today!
Wandered into related posts and wondered how Barmaid's nasty neighbor is behaving!
Just think of being showered with that.
Sibs, I can't see Barmaid in related posts.........?
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Hi, Psybs......I know.....I've always been lucky with neighbours....well bar must be hell to have noisy or rude folk next door.....x
Weren't wearing a tee shirt were you ?
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Indeed not, OG!.....Do you know.....I don't own a tee shirt.......except the almost tee shirts for and floaty....even for the garden centre......x
What is it with men and water and t-shirts?
I buy cropped trousers...they go down to my ankles, lol!
Question Author
Cupid....I have very long legs....must be something wrong with the rest of my body.....

Anyway....I have a dinner invite! quick brush up and bling... the hair's a bit flat but hey....speak later.....x
it's gone now,Tilly
Question Author
Nice toddle home.....isn't it lovely when someone cooks for you then refuses your half hearted offer to clear away and wash up....bliss......x

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