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jennyjoan | 22:05 Mon 11th Jul 2016 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Hi - can anybody tell me if any Santander branch will be opened this Wednesday 13 July.



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Isn't it just the12th that's a bank holiday? They should be open Wednesday.
Why should they not be? The Bank Holiday is July 12th.

You live there JJ, can't you just 'phone them tomorrow and ask?
The confusion might be because last year the BH was the 13th, the 12th falling on a Sunday.
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Baldric - do know they would be shut tomorrow. I have just mislaid my debit card and per usual - hardly any money in the house - I always keep about £100 here - no - just a bloody tenner
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Sandy it is just that I remember working in the Civil Service - we always got the two days and so I thought that would be applicable to the banks etc.

So the BH is on the 12th, is it just a one day BH JJ?
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Read my earlier post Baldric.
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I will have to make the tenner do me until Wednesday - do have loads of grub here but I like to have money in the house.
Many years ago, when I was in the CS, we were given a day off for the Queen's birthday, but it wasn't a BH.
It's chatterbank, no harm in aiding a fellow aber.
The Civil Service still gets the 13th off but Santander is bound to be open then jj. Bank holiday is just the one day as far as i know.

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