Hello all, our neighbours recently invited us round for a meal, this was the second time in quick succession and to try to help with costs and as a thank you I offered by a text message to make the desert. The text message went to her husband's phone and I got a response back from him to say that he loved the suggested pudding (banofee pie) and therefore to bring it with us.
We arrived and enjoyed the main meal, but when it came to pudding, I was informed that she already had one, a sticky toffee pudding and that she would heat and present that as well as the banofee pie!
Even though her husband suggested we would all be too full and he was not really interested in eating the sticky toffee pud, she ignored that and presented first my pudding, of which she only had a small amount and then straight after the sticky toffee pud.
I was a bit mystified as to why she did this, my pudding was home made and they have both had it before on a previous visit to our house, they both said they loved it which was why I thought it would be a great pud to bring with us. Her sticky toffee pudding was a shop bought one, still unopened which I would have thought she could have frozen if she wanted to.
My guess is that her husband got my text and accepted my offer without checking with her, she probably got annoyed with him and thought that she would make us all eat both! If I am right, I can understand her annoyance, but she could have just 'swallowed' (sorry for the pun) her anger and politely served my desert!
What does everyone else think? And I know we will get an invite round on another occasion but not sure what do in terms of offering anything to help out by way of food, we always take round wine or chocolates anyway.
Feeling a bit awkward over this!
Yes normally the base can be a bit sandy, but it held together quite well due to the double layer of banana, the ton of caramel and vat of cream on top, tastefully topped with a fine shaking of chocolate sprinkles. I am a great cook.....
Sue11, I think you are too nice. Forget it now. Your neighbour probably hasn't given it another thought! If there's a next time, just take round a bottle of wine. Now, don't waste anymore precious mental energy worrying.. :-)