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Orange Mobile

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FlakGordon | 19:38 Sun 04th Jun 2006 | Adverts
2 Answers

What is the name of the instumental tune on the orange mobile advert? Thats the one where the guy sitting on the bus says something an a big peice of material come out his mouth...down the side of the bus and then floats of around a woman.



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You mean the advert for 3. It's been answered on here a bazzilion times already, but a bazillion and one times a charm :)

Forgotten Dreams by Leonard Slatkin & St. Louis Symphony Orchestra from the album The Typewriter
Forgotten Dreams was composed by Leroy Anderson. Leonard Slatkin is the conductor of the SLSO, who recorded it, although they're not the only ones to have done so.

You read more about Anderson and hear clips from his music here: c.htm

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