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jennyjoan | 12:28 Thu 21st Jul 2016 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
Many many things upset me but this is truly awful - I don't usually post news but sadness of this unbelievable.

Two lads 15 and 17 on scrambler bikes - girl just out walking her wee dog. This park is about 4 miles from me.


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very sad :o(
It wasn't Baldric being picky, he pointed out a misinformation from earlier in the thread.
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Unfortunately I know one of the lad's father. Father has had one brother commit suicide aged 25, two nephews commit suicide, and one brother blew himself up. So now more heartache. Suicides have been in the last 6 years.
My daughter lives in Mayo and there's an unbelievable amounts of suicides, especially amoung young lads.
There was another accident this week on the Bangor road, cyclist killed by a 20 year old girl. I used to work with the widow and have spoken to her, during the conversation the widow commented on the girl stating that it is her that she feels sorry for and I quote.

'Her life was just beginning and now she will have to live with this accident for the rest of her life, I feel for her I really do'

That is true forgiveness and a lovely lady.
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I know Ummmm that suicide south of Ireland is rampant was told this about 10 years ago when in Drogheda for a break.

Having said that suicide is also rampant in Australia but naturally even here and everywhere it is not on the news etc as then it would be sensationalised.
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just reiterating that the said two nephews were also brothers 19 and 21and it happened within 2 years of each other. I knew them all - they were from my last place I lived in.
It was only a few weeks ago our friends son committed suicide in front of his father.
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in front of his father - was it tablets - that must be terrible for dad
No...he said 'bye dad' and jumped.
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absolutely terrible

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