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number8 | 18:27 Mon 02nd Feb 2004 | People & Places
5 Answers
Does anybody know what happened to that awful couple from Rochdale (�37k a year in benefits, �70 a week on fags when two of their kids were chronic asthmatic). Have they been investigated? The equivalent of a �55k gross a year job for doing absolutely f**k all sickened me to my stomach. Utter S**mbags.


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Actually it was reported in the papers that the lady has taken up a job very recently.
A good point well made Scubaboy. Have three stars ***.
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Thank you gazzawazza - didn't mean to be quite so vitriolic, but pond life like these people just irritate the hell out of me.
Totally agree scubaboy and gazzawazza. We used to live a few doors away from a family that were very proud of their numerous trips abroad funded by 'us' !!! It used to drive us mad whenever they booked another holiday to Canada when the 'husband' had never done a days work in his life. Lazy ponses. Should all be made to get jobs and pay back the benefits.
I'm glad I only saw the last five minutes of that programme because I know I would have been absolutely boiling...

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