The ones I struggled to be free of and eventually succeeded in losing! E.G. French lady, met her when I was a newbie there - hoped she would be able to help me a bit - then she started asking me about where she could buy wood locally. She asked me to tea, then dinner, then I realised I was expected to call at least twice a week and sit with her and converse. No time, house to renovate, business to start, a society to find and discover. I kept finding French ladies who had associations which would welcome her. I got her to one. Next visit she implied very directly that they were 'peasants' and she was a 'bourgeoise'. I backed off - to many reproaches. Took me ages to extricate myself and I still feel mildly guilty - an 'Old Man of the Sea' situation. I was more at home than she was - and I was a stranger!