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Scared, Reformed Muslims Accepting The Offer Of Allah.

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Khandro | 22:46 Sat 23rd Jul 2016 | Religion & Spirituality
20 Answers
This to me seems to be one plausible reason for why these young men are doing what they do. Do you agree?


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It seems to be quite a chain of links that has to right for this to be so. And the size of the circles are pure guesswork. Can't rule it out as a minor effect, unconvinced it explains the whole situation.
Interesting theory - but I can't say I wholeheartedly agree with it.
I agree. Lily liveried politicians make me sick.
Perhaps they need to be reminded, believing never made it real . . . or right.
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I like Wood, although I hadn't seen this video before, Khandro. Prefer the psychological theories to the "jihad gets me off the hook and into paradise" one elaborated by Wood. As in Kilpatrick's "Christianity, Islam and Atheism" which we've both read recently. The saintly Mark Steyn has spoken at length. I remember a phrase of his "a big hole where their sense of identity should be". Will try to find one of his videos on this topic.

Meanwhile I've just stumbled on this:
Thanks for posting this. I hadn’t come across David Wood before and he is a very good presenter. I don’t think it tells the whole story, but is interesting nonetheless.
Here's another "hole in the heart" link.
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more common sense than our leaders.
At least this person has audacity to accept that most (if not all) of these people were never practical Muslims. Now if a Muslim believes at any stage that he was wrong then to turn around all s/he has to do is repent and that’s all. However according to his (typical atheistic) logic a Muslim has to go and kill other people to be accepted by Allah and do Jihad. Even there he is wrong as Jihad, first of all has nothing to do with fighting and killing and then not at all anything to do with killing people who are going about their daily businesses.

But one thing what he said is right that someone, somewhere is telling these people that this is the only way and is showing these people picked and chosen out of context verses from Quran and Hadis just like he is doing himself. And those are the people who French (or any) govts have to trace down. But my question is, do they really want to do that?
If anybody wants to know what jihad is I can offer this authoritative description:

"09.0 JIHAD
(0: Jihad means to war against non-Muslims,
and is etymologically derived from the word
mujahada, signifying warfare to establish the
religion. And it is the lesser jihad. As for the
greater jihad, it is spiritual warfare against the
lower self (nafs), which is why the Prophet (Allah
bless him and give him peace) said as he was
returning from jihad,
"We have returned from the lesser jihad to
the greater jihad."
The scriptural basis for jihad, prior to
scholarly consensus (def: b7) is such Koranic
verses as:
(1) "Fighting is prescribed for you" (Koran
(2) "Slay them wherever you find them"
(Koran 4:89);
(3) "Fight the idolators utterly" (Koran
and such hadiths as the one related by Bukhari
and Muslim that the Prophet (Allah bless him and
give him peace) said:
"I have been commanded to fight people
until they testify that there is no god but Allah and
that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and
perform the prayer, and pay zakat. If they say it,
they have saved their blood and possessions from
me, except for the rights ofIslam over them. And
their final reckoning is with Allah";

keyplus, //And those are the people who French (or any) govts have to trace down. But my question is, do they really want to do that? //

Why wouldn't they?
I particularly like "...and have saved their blood and possessions from me".
^ ... heartening.
I have just come across your post Khandro and have had a quick look at the links posted. I am a little tired after a long walk( and a glass or two of the red stuff) but I will pick up the thread tomorrow, it looks interesting. I will tuck it into my folder for easy access on the morrow,
I have now watched all three linked video comments. Not good listening or watching before breakfast, But an indictment of the "Liberal Social" virtue signalling elite who have managed to wrest the levers of government and, the institutes that maintain us from the common sense majority. The only conclusion that can be drawn, after considering the very lucid points put foreword here, is that unless the violence and aggression of the Muslim community is countered with the same fervour that they show, Europe will indeed be another bloodbath. It will all be our blood though.
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Well said birdie.
Muslims are cowardly, calling for their own agenda with blood curdling threats, then hiding behind our law and police to protect them.
PROOF- Imagine them kicking off in Northern Ireland. The Orange Order, UDA, UVF, PIRA would silence them with a violence that battle hardened their paramilitaries over thirty years.

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