Dark Circles - Help in The AnswerBank: Beauty
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Dark Circles - Help

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Dreamsandlove | 08:10 Sat 30th Jul 2016 | Beauty
11 Answers
Any answerbankers suffer dark circles? If so can you please suggest a product that you use that really helps with these? Be it concealer, corrector, masks or even any successful surgery if had. Even diet advise is welcomed.

Note: I get 8 hours sleep a night. My bags appear to be genetic as my mother is the same.
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Touche eclat, as Tilly said. Or even possibly better and loads cheaper is Kubriss, which I think I bought in Asda for about £2.

Best advice is don't drink too much alcohol, and get enough sleep.
You can hide them,but not get rid of them. Probably genetic like you said and due to thin skin.
Do you suffer with water retention?

I was plagued with dark circles for years but eventually cut out high sodium foods from my diet including all processed foods. Bacon and snacky foods such as pub snacks are the worst culprits, but a slice of bread can contain your entire RDA of sodium.

I don't really suffer with dark circles now except for around my time of the month where I'm generally quite puffy or bloated and have what I call "period face."
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Nomercy I certainly do eat a lot of salt. I have salt on everything and anything. It's my thing. I should cut that out and see what the results are in 3 months time. I'm not sure if I suffer water retention as such. How do you know. I'll look into it.

Gsur yeah it's defo genetic. And sadly I won't get rid I don't think buy if I could buy a product that worked for me I'd be happy.

I tried touch eclait and it didn't work for me. Mines was purchased from eBay so maybe it was counterfeit. I'll go into a department store and get them to apply some and see what it's like before I buy. .
In an earlier post you were complaining that people thought you were younger than you are and asking for advice to make yourself look older Now you have dark circles and bags -which suggestion worked then? lol!
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Just2retro I do look young. But I do have dark circles. I once was id'd getting petrol for my car. Just because you keep getting told you look young doesn't mean you can't have circles. Circles make me look tired but I do look younger than my age.
why would you get id-ed getting petrol? If you are old enough to drive you are old enough to get petrol aren't you?
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Just2retro I know. That's my point when I was ID'D. as a result I was explaining that my dark circles don't make me look old...they make me look tired. Maybe some people look more aged with circles but for me they make me tired
I read ages ago that drinking lots of white wine can give/make worse puffy eyes. (Not saying that's what you do :-) ) Drink lots of water, cut back on salt, prop pillows up at night to help drain any fluid. Also a good concealer. Not sure which is best, maybe an ABer can suggest the one!
Kidney dysfunction may contribute to the problem so visiting a doc is a good idea. To hide them well with natural remedies, use frozen cucumber peels. They suck out the excessive liquid and brighten the skin under your eyes.

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