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marval | 18:07 Thu 04th Aug 2016 | Jokes
8 Answers
A team of doctors attended the delivery of quintuplets who were able to walk immediately after their umbilical cords were cut.

The senior doctor was asked to explain this unusual occurrence.

"I guess they had a lot of practice," he said.

"What do you mean, practice?" asked a medical colleague.

"They have only just been born."

The doctor replied, "Well, it was standing womb only."



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Thanks for passing that from you ter us.
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oops was meant for music thread.
Two Arabic doctors are having an argument.
The first one says ''I am sure it is spelled ' woooom'
The second say ''No you are wrong,it's definitely Whoomm.
A nurse overhears the argument and says to them, ''The word you want is spelled 'Womb''
The doctors turn to hear and say '' My dear girl, it is obvious you have never heard a camel fart''
Was there no womb up top?
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Two doctors at an ob/gyn conference:
"Cedric, good to see you. By the by, how's business these days?"
" Not too bad, Johnathan. It's looking up you know."

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