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Childrens Fiction Quiz

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slimseeker | 19:13 Fri 05th Aug 2016 | Quizzes & Puzzles
16 Answers
help needed please with last three. childrens fiction and author no number of letters given
no 57 D-EYP by KG
no 69 ROBW by GM
no 80 SDS by IM


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69 ring of bright water .....gavin maxwell
69 Ring of bright water - Gavin Maxwell
Question Author
thank you mallyh and scorpiojo you were so quick ive been looking for weeks!
80 Six dinner Sid. Inga Moore
Could you help me with 50 FTB by RB,72 LAF by OJ, & 84 TS by RB please
72 Lost and found by Oliver Jeffers
84 The Snowman by Raymond Briggs
fungus the bogeyman by Robert briggs
sorry Raymond briggs
Thank you scorpiojo and mallyh. I should have got Raymond Briggs, I collect the Snowmen. I missed on 75 TOWWAOTD by JT
The owl who was afraid of the dark by Jill Tomlinson
Thank you scorpiojo
You're welcome.
Question Author
thank you cashier, scorpiojo, for your answers. sorry oxburgh2 only just put the computer on so didn't get chance to help but glad you have the answers

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Childrens Fiction Quiz

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