hc, when I logged on, my profile was that of a new user, It had no photos, no friends, nothing. But friends could see my page just fine, but unfortunately so could everyone, as everything I had set to "friends only" was made public :(
You can't set 'profile pics' to private so should delete anything that has been your profile picture or anyone will be able to see it and maybe guess who you are. I'm thinking like others here that its best not to use your real name but that's kinda the point if you know what I mean. FB is ok if you ask me, unless some loonie decides to stalk you or an ex does some sort of vengeance thing. Makes me shudder it does , I don't trust these big corporations though and I think you a well out of it myself.
Yes irishmaid, I think you're right. I still need to get the email addresses of a few friends I know from there, but once I get used to being out of it, I won't miss it all ;)