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jennyjoan | 10:58 Thu 11th Aug 2016 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Know this is an ID cord round the neck - but how is it pronounced.


or Lany - id - Lanyid. Thanks


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Lan yard
Lan Yard.
Question Author
LOL - thanks - I didn't want to be caught out in pronouncing it wrong.

My mum got me out of bed one night as she was reading (great reader) - she said Jenny - what does bed-raggled mean. I hadn't a clue when I realised it was bedraggled. Easy done. She was a great reader but my God a terrible speller.

Difficulty - she spelt Mrs D Mrs I Mrs FF I Mrs C Mrs U Mrs LTY - Bless her - loved her so much.
Did she every ask you what a 'leg end' was? That would have made some story!
Lan-yard, every time for me Jenny !
Definitely LAN-YARD.
What other way of pronouncing lanyard is there?
@ talbot "string thingy you hang round your neck"

that's what i was just asked for, i gave them a lanyard and they went away happy enough
I've never been comfortable with 'poetaster'. Is it poe taster or poet aster?
what is it? i want it to be a poe taster....
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I hope it's been well washed out before you taste anything out of it.
I was a voracious reader as a child but think I was in my teens before I knew I had been pronouncing the name Hermione in my head wrong for years.

Herm i 1
And then there was the philosopher from ancient Greece, Sock rates. He name was a bit of a shibboleth.
His name^^^
Or when I used to read my brother's comics, Superman etc, and found out I'd been mispronouncing aliens and metropolis wrongly in my head ;)

x x
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I was a voracious reader as a child// See there you go again Mamy making these confusing statements. I have never in my life read a Voracious, I stuck to books & newspapers.
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the reason my doubt of pronunciation is I used to say BIO-PIC instead of Byeopic. Biopic.

I have learned proper pronunciation from subtitled on TV
Oh Ron , you've missed out - they're very good.

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