About 9 years ago I remember the pound hitting parity with the euro- played havoc with our finances! For just a few hours it even dipped below parity! The good bit was that this was over Xmas/New Year and for French tax reasons you had to calculate your yearly income on the rate as at 1st Jan.! Yeaaah! Lots of us came out of tax that year, which made up the shortfall in income. It's all swings and roundabouts, always has been.
'We have nothing to fear but fear itself' has never been so true. All the misery is coming from regions which voted 'remain' as far as I can see and they are the worst hit if you look at the figures. (They've thriven before and don't like sharing what others have experienced, I.M.O.) These make the headlines.
Everyone else seems to be toddling on OK and waiting for the freedom to leap forwards. e.g. House prices were already falling before the vote because of policies announced - OK, that will help the housing market long term because of making it easier for 1st time buyers. Several business-men of my acquaintance voted 'Leave' and one has just reported a record set of figures for July (builder's merchant) it's never been so good - the feeling of freedom is having an effect.
Shall we talk about Frexit next and will it affect the provision of Beaujolais and Brie?