Anagram of a flower: AAAEILVRT
Which is 9 letters - l can only come up with 'Lavatera' which has 8 letters .
Wondering if there is an extra letter here - which would be the 'I' ?
Anyone agree?
Lavateria doesn't come up on google at all - it corrects it to Lavatera , which is why I was wondering there was an extra letter.
Fibonacci- I was being a little evasive posting this as the setter had requested not to post clues on the internet and didn't want to start a thread of being told off ! I do usually put the quiz name and c/d. The question this time was really to find out if any others thought there was an extra letter in the clue. Thanks.
Dannyk13a -Thank you for that - I don't know how you found that pic,because I googled Lavateria and looked many gardening sites and didn't find it at all Because Google kept correcting the word to Lavatera is why I concluded wrongly ) there must be a mistake in the clue with an extra letter.
So I now know Google doesn't know everything!
Very well done you!
My apologies Mallyh, -
having a languages/linguistic background, I thought that this ' Lavateria ruotte ' on e bay , also had not been correctly spelt !
It was not my intention to ignore YOU but rather to ignore on - line spelling on e bay - as on google correcting what I kept putting in!
Regards and apologies
Mrs M .