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Britain Grants Asylum To Terrorists!

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Khandro | 22:53 Fri 12th Aug 2016 | News
20 Answers
When your leadership is behaving with such stupidity, what are you to do?


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Get rid of the idiots. Shame the press is controlled so tightly. And will not expose such stupidity. Slowly, inexorably, we sleep walk to our demise.
Was the Muslim Brotherhood not overthrow by a military coup?
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Yes, Birdie. Doesn't bother Sandy and co though, does it?

/// Was the Muslim Brotherhood not overthrow by a military coup? ///

Yes they were, but now we are considering granting asylum to it's members, because they now fear for their lives.

*** A Home Office report said: “Those with a high profile in the MB or who have been politically active, particularly in demonstrations, may be able to show that they are at risk of persecution. ***

*** “Additionally, high profile supporters or those perceived to support the MB, such as journalists, may also be similarly at risk of persecution. ***

You couldn't make it up.

“In such cases, a grant of asylum will be appropriate.”
Then they wonder why there is trouble here. What plan et are they on? It ain't this one! Crazy.

///what are you to do?///

Find a link that actually works maybe?

/// Find a link that actually works maybe? ///

Which one are you having trouble with?

They both work for me.

The Video in the OP, all I have is a black square

Just lifted the URL onto a new tab, where it opened ok, as it's David Wood I will not be bothering with it.
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Baldric; //as it's David Wood I will not be bothering with it.//
Would you care to say why?
I'll try re-posting Khandro's video.

I agree with Birdie at 02:46 Sat.
What can you say>
David Wood is a thug and racist to attempted to murder his father.
Even though Khandro has used a David Woods video this is not about David Woods is it?

Do you think we should let these people in, Islay?

(one eye on Frasier)
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Islay; ^^ A pretty crass statement! DW had a turbulent childhood and was a wild youth, he paid for his misdemeanours and became a completely reformed man. All of this he openly admits in a very good interview on youtube with Gad Saad.
He isn't the only young man who came to blows with his father, history is full of examples, in fact, rebellion shows spirit and is a form of a rite of passage.

However, as others have said, it has nothing at all to do with the OP which is based on written facts, the text of which he even illustrates.

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Britain Grants Asylum To Terrorists!

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