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Olympic Coverage By The Bbc.

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10ClarionSt | 12:53 Sun 21st Aug 2016 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
I think the coverage has been the worst I can remember. It's been pathetic. Diabolical. If you haven't got cable or satellite, you mainly get presenters just talking and hardly see any action. A complete shambles, totally dumbed down by the useless women, especially on BBC Breakfast. If the BBC are going to cover the parade in October, don't expect to see much of it because all you'll get is talking in the studio while the parade goes on out of shot. What a load of useless garbage.


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I liked the coverage on BBC, particularly all the Olympic channels.
I did not see Olympics advertised to be on cable or satellite channels.
Now that's off your chest!!

I quite enjoyed what I did watch.
I've found it varied and enjoyable too - given how much there has been to cover I think they've done a great job.
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Never had Sky or Cable TV, always find mainstream sufficient.

Sorry you haven't enjoyed it 10c.
I enjoyed the sport but wish the BBC would put it on one channel instead of swapping around all the time. Has anyone else noticed how female dominated the BBC has become? I don't mind but wonder if they have a pc agenda.
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Plenty of BBC Olympic channels on YouView.
All the much boasted about channels on the red button were only available to people with smart TVs and/or Freeview HD. We lesser mortals had to be content with BBC 1, BBC2 and BBC4. Plus the fact that they keep swapping from one channel to the other for the same event is irritating beyond belief. And for goodness sake get rid of Inverdale and Balding.
I think the coverage has been good, good blend of the sports and some reasonable presenters. Needs rid of Inverdale and more time given to Chappers.

I really wonder what people expect; if you want the best of the coverage of a specific sport then you need to use the TV and Internet flexibly, especially minority sports. they've done ok in highlighting the best of our sportsmen and women. Only other option is handing all bbc channels to the Olympics for the duration of the games, then you'd getthe complaints from everyone else. You can't please everyone.

If you don;t have the media platforms there no point complaining, the BBC won't change the way they do things
Coverage was on twelve channels on Free view and more online. Not all the commentators were from the Beeb, some were the Olympic Broadcasting Services' folk and as for there being too many females, surely it's the quality that matters not the gender?
I thought coverage was brilliant, coping with the time difference was done very well. so good to see so many women on TV for a change.
Totally agree Islay.
Female dominated? Makes a change from male dominated.
I thought the coverage was amazing: and all for a fraction of the cost of Sky. If you want to take advantage of the multi-channel coverage then you need to invest in the hardware to handle it. It's hardly the fault of the BBC of you don't.
u=i think the coverage on BBc has been brilliant - i like a minority sport nd on the red button i could see it from start to finish (at lest 8 hours coverage). The coverge on radio 5 has been gret too, although by necessity, a lot of talking. I was listening to the coverage of the dressage, and i was on the edge of my seat!
surely that was a saddle, bednobs?

Given the extensive coverage, the Beeb wasn't that bad - they had their good moments, some bad ones and various gaffes but, jeez, the hours that they covered, one has to give some leeway.
Considering they took nearly a many people as the actual team did it was woeful. Vacuous hardly covers it, mind you I have earned a gold medal for channel changing. A perfect example of why they should be made to compete with the other providers without our forced contribution. The whole edifice is infested with the right on dahhlings and pc agenda puffers.
that ain't the team, Togo, that's the numpties here in London, Manchester, where-ever....however, the channel table tennis made me feel like Ping-Pong-Yuan at times....
What concerned me was the amount of Olympic waffle on news broadcasts in which the same item was sometimes repeated the following day. One wonders which reports were ditched to make way for the adulation of these "fantastic" medal winners.

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