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Khandro | 10:54 Thu 01st Sep 2016 | Health & Fitness
16 Answers
I've been getting a lot of leg cramp just lately, does anyone know of a way to alleviate this? I have heard that magnesium is helpful.


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If it's as bad as her indoors suffers from , then i have every sympathy .

The doc prescribed some medication for her
My OH says it's from lack of salt.
If it's worse at night try sleeping with your leg elevated with a pillow.
Tonic water has been mentioned in the past due to quinine content. But I think you have to have a lot of it to make a difference.
I use calmagzinc tablets and find they work really well. They are like housebricks though!
Worth trying to take extra salt and/or calcium as I believe a lack of these may cause cramp.
Not a great believer in clinical evidence that it is beneficial, but have a go if you want. You have to be really dehydrated to lose salt, so I feel that salt is not the answer....may even make it worse.

I assume that you are not taking statins.

Difficult problem Khandro.
1) Make sure your take plenty of exercise.
2) Make sure that you Re well hydrated...take plenty of water.
3) Just pop into your GP and see how he feel about testing your blood for an underactive thyroid gland.

Good luck
I take magnesium,and also use a topical spray....started using it for migraines. It does spite of sqads suspicions. ;-) could be a placebo effect,but it does what I want it to do.
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sqad; (and all) Thanks, I'm OK on the exercise front I think, I do a lot of cycling and play golf and do 10 mins yoga every morning, it's been hells hot here (at the moment it's 38 degrees!), in fact, I wondered if activity in this heat might be contributing; with a friend, I rode 70kms in such a temperature last Friday. I usually drink about 2 litres of beer in the evenings, so I shouldn't be too dehydrated. (I'm setena y siete.)
\\\\ I usually drink about 2 litres of beer in the evenings, so I shouldn't be too dehydrated.\\


You probably pee 2litres of fluid. Before you go to bed, have a good quaff of much as you can take. OH works outside and he certainly loses a lot of salt throughout the day. I know this as I can see the salt stains on his t-shirts when he gets home.
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sqad, So beer doesn't count as fluid, in this sense?
LOL......."fraid not" Khandro..........I would say it is more of a diuretic ( makes you lose fluid),
If you watch the French & Spanish drink, they usually have a glass of water with it, to replace the water lost to the alcoholic drink.....
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Only now do they tell me! :0) So is the smaller quantity of fluid taken in when you drink wine (as long as you drink water as well), better overall in this respect, than the equivalent amount of alcohol when taken in beer?
If you see what I mean.
Drink that much and you won't have time to settle down to a cramp session; you'll be traipsing the landing to the bathroom and back all night.

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