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I'm Not Ignoring You Honest!

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Caran | 14:59 Mon 12th Sep 2016 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
If I haven't responded to your post it's because we only get internet at the bar.
We left the bar earlier last night as we had to pack to leave by 10.00 this morning.
Now at hotel in Calais and bliss we have internet in bedroom!
So to any one who thinks I am bad mannered, I'm sorry, I'm not really honest.


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lol..are you having a splendiferous time ??
I wouldn't think that for a second Caran. Hope you had a good holiday.
We came home via Calais on Saturday and had no trouble with the Jungle, Caran. In fact, getting through immigration control at Calais was quicker than usual, although they did look inside our caravan. Hopefully you'll have as clear a trip as we did.
Do you mean you are not really honest ? Or are you missing a comma ?
Question Author
Thanks folks, yes I missed a comma. No problem in Calais at the moment, just done our first run at the supermarket getting non perishables, go again tomorrow to load up with wine and fresh food.

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I'm Not Ignoring You Honest!

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