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Smudge -- The End.. :)

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Litchick | 21:32 Thu 08th Jun 2006 | Body & Soul
6 Answers

I did also sufffer with anxiety at that time and was led to believe that's all my symptoms were. But now, thanks to you I have printed out the page and if it happens again I can bring it to the GP and slap him in the face with it!!! :) Thank you very much.

Hope you are feeling well. xx



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wouldn't it have made more sense to post a short question and then post answers to your own question to add more info?
Litchick - I was one of the posters who talked about having labrynthitis - I'm glad you were able to identify your symptoms in amongst all the postings - I hope it has brought you some peace of mind. This is an awful illness - no one really knows unless they've suffered from it. But as I said to Smudge, fortunately not serious or life-threatening. Good Luck. Doll xx
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Thank you Dollie -- I apologise for not naming you specifically in my original post. Fortunately I have not had symptoms like that again since last summer but at least if I do in the future, I will know what to tell the doctor and will be secure in knowing it's not serious or life threatening. And, it's NOT anxiety which I know in my heart it wasn't. Thank you. xxx

Hi Litchick - I'm not too bad at the mo' thank you, well, apart from sinusitus & the odd headache! I'm still having dizzy spells too, but the tablets should start to kick in soon - I hope!

Wishing you well very soon & hope you're enjoying the sunshine.Take care. -xx-

P.S. Only just noticed your threads for me & in case anyone was wondering, this is what Litchick is referring to.

Hi Dollie - hope you're enjoying the sunshine too. -xx-
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Thanks Smudge --- hoping the tablets kick in sooner than expected for you and you start feeling like yourself again. Thanks for the replies -- all have a nice weekend. :)

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Smudge -- The End.. :)

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