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Glasses For Watching Tv

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seekeerz | 13:38 Tue 13th Sep 2016 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Ok I have driving glasses and glasses for reading and craft ....which pair should i be using to watch television ....given that I sew/knit while watching said TV ?


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Surely the only glasses you need for watching TV in Australia are those filled with a nice Barossa Valley Shiraz, aren't they? ;-)
15:37 Tue 13th Sep 2016
Why don't you get varifocal. One pair suits all.
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I've tried varifocals without success before and I'm probably too old to have another go, but why I asked, OH told me in no uncertain terms i should be using my driving glasses to watch TV ....something I'd never heard before.
It could be that the varifocals you had we're not properly fitted and that's why you had trouble. I've just had an eye test to update mine and the process is much more scientific these days so it may be worth another try. Can you actually see the TV with your reading glasses because I can't as they are too strong and I get a blurred screen. ( I have seperate reading glasses as well as varifocals as I do a lot of crosswords?
Yep seekers your driving glasses will be the ones for watching to if you don't like varifocals - my optician told me that.
Again, I'd argue that varifocals are the best bet. Trouble is reading glasses are for near work and driving glasses are for distance. Neither covers the "middling" ie watching TV. Depends on your actual prescriptions, of course.
I have had this problem and the solution in my case was a pair of mid-distance glasses. I find them excellent for TV & general use. I use my reading glasses for close work. I don't drive so rarely use the distance glasses.
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I've always used my reading glasses ...using the others never occurred to me and the picture is quite clear, however I'll investigate further :))
Reading glasses are designed for your eyes to be most relaxed when you are looking at something "reading distance" away - your optician should have checked with this with you when you bought your specs.
Screen glasses, for use with computers, are designed to be used at a distance of about 2ft from the screen, again your optician should ask at what distance you sit from your monitor when setting the strength of the lenses.
Ideally you should have special specs for TV, set for the distance you sit from your TV but driving glasses will be better than reading glasses if you don't want to go to that bother and expense.
Driving glasses are designed for your eyes to be most relaxed when you are looking at things a long distance away.
Before I had to wear glasses all the time, I used the same pair for driving and watching tv.
Now, I sometimes read while intermittently watching TV, so I put my glasses on top of my head while reading.
It's whatever you feel comfortable with, I suppose.
Whichever pair you see most clearly with.
If neither are suitable then go for a third pair to focus on the usual distance from TV to armchair.
Surely the only glasses you need for watching TV in Australia are those filled with a nice Barossa Valley Shiraz, aren't they?

Lol very good!
Took me ages to get used to the varifocals seekerz but I love them now. I knit whilst watching TV and they are perfect for both.
I find they are usually not quite right. Forever tilting them to change focus.

We really need the ability to change the lens shape as desired. Or better still something looking into our eyes to see what focus we need, and immediately, rapidly, adjusting to suit.
I have varifocals too. I can watch TV read and knit with them. The only downside to me was that my distance used to be ok I only needed glasses for reading and TV! But the optician advised me that varifocals would 'sharpen' the distance, which it did to a degree that now I can't do without them.
If you need glasses to drive, then you are short-sighted ( Myopic ), so if the TV screen is a little blurred, then myopia is the cause of that as well

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