Many people have mentioned to me that people have been asking for help on Answer bank, instead of trying to solve the clues themselves, I checked and found that 38 out of the 40 have asked and been given an answer on Answerbank.
These answers very often are wrong. Instead of giving answers, why not give hints and that way the person asking the question, still has to work it out for themselves.
If you want to try and stop people asking directly for answers you probably need to put some appropriate wording on the quiz sheet. I guess by the number of questions asked there is nothing about this at present.
I understand your point Charity and your frustration, as Fibonacci says the only real way to stop it is to add a 'No asking' or in some cases 'No asking until X date' to the sheet.
Unfortunately, even when posters ask for clues only they nearly always get answers. And then you get a comment along the lines of....oh, you wanted clues. And yes, I know it's called Answerbank, but that is surely not the point.