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Ancestry Dna

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237SJ | 18:42 Sun 09th Oct 2016 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Has anyone here done the Ancestry DNA test? What did you think of the result? (I thought I would get more response in CB)


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How much does it cost?
I thought it might be fun until I saw it cost £79
the site that appears on tv does dna tests ,about £75,I got 1 done
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£79 is cheap. Some tests cost a lot more than that
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I just wondered why I came out as 37% Irish. Fascinating
That would be because 37% of the markers they tested have their roots in Ireland.....or have been predominantly found in those of certain Irish heritage. It's an inexact science at the moment.
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I always wondered why my Mum`s side of the family had lovely dark hair, pale skin and pale sandy freckles!
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Sorry jth - crossed posts
do they only do the one test? There are different sorts available that dig to different depths - I had a short-focus one that revealed ancestors in three continents in the last couple of hundred years, which was very interesting; my OH had one that threw up Neanderthal and Denisovan DNA, which was extremely interesting except I don't really know what you could do with it..
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I`m not sure how comprehensive the Ancestry test is. I know that there used to be tests that tested the mitrochondrial DNA and they could only test what had been passed down through the female line and the male line. I have the impression that the Ancestry test has managed to merge the two
I had it done as trying to trace an ancestor born in Egypt but I didn't know if he had Egyptian parentage or born to British parents in Egypt.
It came back that I'm 45% British 23% Europe west 13% European Jewish 11% Irish 4% Iberian and 3% Scandinavian.
Not an Egyptian in sight!
I traced my Scottish ancestors on and someone in Australia with the same family name paid for my DNA test - alas , no link!

I found My DNA was Scandinavian - magic!
Might have a go at that - when I've saved up a bit!
I found a fairly close relation and they gave me lots of information on my family history. If someone has had the test and has a similar DNA they send you their name through Ancestry. I didn't think it was too expensive - £89, but then I'm interested in it. Others would choose to spend their money in a different way I expect.
just came across this, which you might like to keep in mind
In case you've not spotted it in 'Related Questions' below, 237SJ, I'll mention that Mosaic posted a similar question a couple of months ago.

Jno's link in that thread, to an article from The Enquirer, makes interesting reading!

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Ancestry Dna

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