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Rte 42

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scooke | 10:39 Mon 10th Oct 2016 | Crosswords
10 Answers
i have one left to finish thanks everyone for help so far
2d....thus was Dracula properly pronounced by the erudite dr van helsing!(6)???r?d (2nd letter could be h


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Are you sure of the 'R'? What's the clue that might give the 'H'? Does the previous clue/answer give a hint as to the presence of the ellipsis (...)?

I really want to say 'Undead' but can't see a reasonable (full) parse beyond "...thus was Dracula". Of course, it's the RTE & I rarely can... ;-)
2d is Undead
how do you get that fuzzybrain?
Second letter N, last letter D. Dracula was undead.
Thanks fuzzy brain, I really was wondering could you confirm answers to the crossing clues, 8 across) as Turn and 10 across) as fore plus rather than four plus. I'll work it out.
Would home runs work, Éan?
I was just looking at the other question posted there by scooke, no, 3 down the answer is scalp, Head-hunter, first in line for the chop? (5) ?c??
oops, missed a ? (?c???)
Jo, I have it!! home runs will work, are scouts head-hunters? you know, talent scouts, sporting hob nobs looking for good players, if I'm right, home runs is the answer to original question
Yes :o)

Good luck!

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