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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:23 Tue 11th Oct 2016 | ChatterBank
50 Answers
Tuesday. Misty this morning.It makes a change I suppose.

We had one shower yesterday, of course I was out when it arrived, got home looking like the proverbial drowned rat. Such is life.

A trip to Stroud today...maybe.

Have a happy day everyone.


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bye boatyxx

Have a good day wbm.

Getting better, we have sunshine atm, we shall see.
all the avatars have gone !!

Gravatar having an off day?
can you see 'em ? I can't !
back now !!
gone again !!
back odd !

It happens every now and again, usually something to do with Gravatar's cleaner unplugging their Computer so she can plug her Hoover in ;o)

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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