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The Missing

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tezmand | 21:12 Wed 12th Oct 2016 | Film, Media & TV
20 Answers
Can any one explain it to me ? All that back and forth with the yrs I'm mixed up . Was the dad the father of the woman soldier baby ? Is the girl now dead hence the gravestone Is it Alice Webster


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Can't really answer any of your questions - could addd some more! The girl is dead, and I think the father was involved in that - perhaps a tragic fire? He had bad burn scars on his neck and back in 2016 but not in 2014.
It s got 8 episodes to run! Must have cost a fortune to film. Part filmed in Morocco according to credits at the end. I enjoyed it and wonder how all the loose ends will tie up.
## He had bad burn scars on his neck and back in 2016 but not in 2014. #
Blimey Helly, never noticed that!!!!!

## It s got 8 episodes to run! Must have cost a fortune to film. ##

I thought the same, different Country's, airfares, hotel bills and all the extras involved.

Could the grave be just a remembrance stone?

Who was the women in bed with the father?

Who was,...... never mind, have to many whose & whys at the moment, never known a more confusing 1st part of a Drama/thriller, but looks good!!!
Just watched 15 minutes of recording it. Have given up on it and deleted it.
Don't need the aggro of trying to keep up with it.
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Ok so not just me then
The woman in bed with him was the army officer who was pregnant. I assume the baby died - she had the photo of the scan on her fridge and nearly threw it away but then put it in a drawer.
Another thought - since when do army personnel stay in the same place for so long? The usual tour was two possibly three years in 'my day'.
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Another one that is giving me brain ache, why cant they just 'do' things that you can enjoy, instead of missing half the story by trying to figure out who is who etc ?
It was the same with the last series, you certainly have to give it your full attention. First episodes can be a bit confusing as they set up the various story lines/characters so it's usually worth persevering and watching the second one. Personally I really enjoyed the first series and am looking forward to seeing where this one goes. As with the first one the characters look slightly different in the different times so you can see straight away if it's then or now. You wouldn't want to know all the answers in the first episode or there would be no point having the other 7.
And don't forget the French detective doesn't believe the girl who collapsed in the market square is Alice!
I get the story so far as it flits back and forth between the years and sub titles at the bottom of the screen remind you what year we are in - check out the Mum's hairstyle too, it changes when they switch years.
Am loving it
I enjoyed it but am confused as to why Baptiste has gone to Iran.
Thanks for that scorpiojo, that explains everything, and I am more confused than ever :-)
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Hmm that link helped abit I will stay with it as I loved the first series but it's very hard work
Started to watch it, got bored, gave up. Won't watch again !
What reply did "Alice" tell the mother when asked about the baby ? I missed that !
To the effect ' I don't know what you mean' - sorry, can't remember the exact words but she denied having a baby.
OK thanks rsvp. ^
I really enjoyed it. Definitely one to watch without any distractions.

That link is great Jo! Some bits I hadn't spotted in there like the woman at the guy Julien is looking for's father's funeral being the woman "Alice's" brother and friends chased away in the supermarket car park.

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