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Feeling Let Down

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queenofmean | 16:39 Wed 19th Oct 2016 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
I had an HbA1C blood done the other week and called for the results it's going up was 8.9 in August now it's 9.3.

I'm doing my damn hardest but it's still going wrong.

I've been eating well drinking more water very active watching my ratios and doing all I can but I feel like I'm losing. I know I've had a turbulent year this is the one thing I need to fix but it's getting hard.


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Whilst knowing nothing about it, this suggests you aren't in that bad a state it is still in the greenish.

Why is it a worry at 9.3 ? Or is it the change since last time that makes it a concern ?
Not earth shattering ...YET....but you are going in the wrong direction.
Mention this to your Diabetic team.
Can you identify any particular foods that raise your blood readings? For me it is baked beans and battered fish which I was not expecting.

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It may not be Sqad said 'yet' OG but it's the fact that I'm doing all I can but it keeps going the wrong way. This time last year I was 7.3.

We are trying to get them under control so I can plan a family but right now it seems like I'm going to have to wait a little longer.

I will Sqad booked in for Monday. Just desperate to go back to how things were I'm doing my best and it shows but something isn't quite right somewhere.

Thank you though :)
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Sadly not Hc...I dose for all the foods I eat i.e. Carbs eg your beans and the batter on your fish.

It's most likely Stress but even when I feel calm they bounce around. I'll admit I'm a bit run down at the moment and I expect my sugars to be a bit iffy but 10 months is too long and I want them good again. Might have to have a look at my ratios again.
MacDonalds? Sorry to be a spoilsport, but you did let us know you were there ;) x
You'll get there x
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Lol, yes Baths but McDonalds was a treat and I dosed for what I needed at the time.

I'm type 1 and being a DAFNE student what I eat doesn't really come into it as the carbs I eat are covered in full by the insulin to carbs ratio I have for that meal.
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I hope so Ummmm...I'm not far off going crazy with it.

To think this time 7 years ago I couldn't give a hoot, to now when I work so hard I feel let down but I will get there just need to force myself to work a little harder still.

You have had a very stressful few months, Queenie. Hopefully the clinic will have some suggestions, it will take a little time xx
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I know Pixie. I know it will settle eventually and the team at the hospital are great. I think the stress doesn't help and right now I've got a small infection so I'm on to quote Alba 'anti bugs' which is showing in my readings.

I've been so wound up the past few days I've done nothing I said I would do when I was last in to see my nurse and he worst part was I was doing fine when I said it! I've even began comfort eating again and that NEEDS and WILL stop!

I'll get there slowly - again xx
Keep at it queenie, you'll get there..
Quenni ..water amd sleep xxx
Drinking plenty of water will help with potential dehydration with high blood sugar due to excessive urination, but it won't actually lower it.
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Thank ethandron I will.

I'm already drinking water Minty i stopped drinking as much juice but it hasn't made any impact on my sugars - I'm sleeping well but I can't always drop off. I began taking my Folic Acid the other night and I was wary about taking a new medicine and I got myself all worked up.

I'll get there though xx
Chin up queenie, think of the lovely future in store for you when everything falls into place and you have you own baby. All the hard work you put in with those blasted blood sugars will be worthwhile :)
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Thank you ethandron - when you put it like that it makes me feel better about it. It is hard work but it's definitely for the best :)

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