This is for a friend who wonders if anyone else had this problem, was prescribed Metronidazole tablets twice a day . within 2 hpurs of taking the 20.oo medication she had horrible hallucinations which happened on 2 nightly occasions , She discontinued them and has had no more hallucinations .
Hi! I am Galasalmon's friend and at last able to get on to Answerbank - I would dearly appreciate it if I could find someone who has actually experienced the side-effects of this drug which, in my case, were absolutely terrifying - I know it is widely prescribed to people who have had no ill-effects.
Never drink alcohol, Tilly 2. I just must be the 1 in 10,000 who have suffered ill effects and I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy! Ten days since I stopped taking them and I am JUST getting back to normal.