36a) is a gas!
6d) the instruments are of a Jewish nature and the plural ends in a popular abbreviation of hospital.
14a) the definition is the first two words, and the last 4 letters of the answer are an anagram of are and m(arks).
Donny, this is a "barred crossword", where all the lights are blank. The ends of words are indicated by a thisk black line rather than black square. As hankir has indicated each answer has to be modified before entry, by removing letters to lights outside the main grid. Reading clockwise these letters make a quotation, and the solver needs to highlight in the grid the full name of the originator!
If you have a look at
you will see examples of barred crosswords and their solutions. They are not for the faint hearted, but rather the experienced Cryptic Solver who has a warped mind!