When you signed up to this site, for example, you agreed to abide by its rules. Which includes not being allowed to post certain things, or say such-and-such, or ask this question or that. When you have a membership account on any other site, similarly, you have to abide by the T&Cs (whatever they are, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who never reads them). But at any rate being a member of anything erodes freedom of choice, to an extent.
So what I'm saying is that I think your statement is unhelpfully vague. Do you always refuse to sign something as soon as your freedom to choose is threatened (ie all the time, by definition), or is it just this particular loss of freedom of choice that would put you off? Not that I have anything against that, exactly -- it's up to you whom you invite, or not, to your house, just as it's up to airbnb to set standards that its members are expected to meet if they wish to use its service.