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Good Morning Early Birds

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waterboatman | 05:10 Mon 07th Nov 2016 | ChatterBank
67 Answers
Monday. Another week begins for the workers.

No frost this morning. It's not spring already is it?! :o}

More joys of domesticty today. I know how to have fun!

Have a happy day everyone.


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Working well, T in shower, Roger towelled dry, I think he's shrinking with all this rain, coffee poured and b'fast ready to go, what more could anyone ask?
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You spoil 'em balders! wise man!

It's a two way thing wbm.
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Indeed it is balders. It works well. We had the same system.
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Time to be making a move.

Have a happy day everyone.

Have a good day boaty.
I know you've gone for today, WBM. But in case you check in again, I might have put my email down wrongly. If I put, it should be Can't remember what I put. It was very early for me :)

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Good Morning Early Birds

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