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Can Anybody Explain To Me ?

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Samuraisan | 09:03 Wed 09th Nov 2016 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
What is the difference between a Congressman and a Senator in U.S. politics ? Excuse my ignorance......


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A Congressman represents a district within a state whereas the Senator is representative for the whole state. Or something like that.
Congressmen are like MPs representing a smallish constituency serving
two-year terms. the Senate is the upper house a bit like the House of
Lords, being a revising or deliberative chamber except they are elected
for six-year terms (2 Senators per state)
both elected
and that is about it for similarities

sit in different houses and do different things
( and take different back handers )

being an ex senator is a better gravy train than ex congressman
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Right thanks. I will have to get back to my House of Card and pay more attention.

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