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One For Fifa

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andypipwilly | 14:02 Fri 11th Nov 2016 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Respect, a seldom used word at FIFA's palace of gold. Media URL:


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I'll try it for you Andy....
14:06 Fri 11th Nov 2016
I'll try it for you Andy....

Actually, I'm not sure we've been getting the full story on this from anyone. Apparently FIFA had not said 'you can't wear poppies' : from their perspective there is a similarity between this symbol and 'personal and political ' symbols they don't allow. All they did was remind the FA and other associations of this. So from our perspective it seems ridiculous. But I'm not sure the grandstanding by the FA is not also a bit daft. This should be a dignified memorial and not a display of cod outrage.
Very nice andy,That's the first time I've heard the Last Post played on anything but a bugle ans it still brings a lump to my throat.
It was a beautiful rendition by Rachel, always moves me too.
Agreed, that's beautiful - I've not heard it on a violin either.
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Thank you Mamyalynne. Computers and I do not mix!
The Luddite.
It was a pleasure, lovely.

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