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Selling A Parent's House After They Have Died

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237SJ | 21:50 Mon 14th Nov 2016 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
It's hard isn't it? I have just done this today for the second time in the last 7 years.


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Curlers and lipsick.....such personal items, I hope you kept a keepsake ?
Cloverjo ,My father died in 1975 he was a lot older than my mum, I found in hindsite with them both I regretted not talking to them more. So many things came to mind that I would have liked to have known, but there is no-one left to ask.
I am quite literally going through the hardest time of my entire life right now, losing beloved Mum, clearing out her stuff and having to sell her house which she loved. I don't think I would wish this pain on my worst enemy. Sad beyond belief.

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